All about a Axolotl called popcorn

Using a suction technique, the axolotl consumes, worms ,tadpoles,insects and small fish 
Class: Amphibia
Family: Ambystomatidae
Genus: Ambystoma
Kingdom: Animalia
Order: Urodela
a fun fact about axolotl
yellow eyes  yellow body with some white on her tail
This Axolotl has a golden yellow body with shiny patches, clear eyes, with peachy coloured gills. The golden albino lacks melanophores, which is what gives it the gold appearance. Like albinos, Golden Albinos cannot have black eyes, as they are a form of albinism.
They Are Native to One Place in the World. The axolotl’s native habitat is in dire straits.They Are Native to One Place in the World. The axolotl’s native habitat is in dire straits.

Flower Art

    this flower art  we had to yous math’s  it was real fun because we got to learn new decineces  it was cool because the leaves folld over each  i would like to learn  wave art with paint i learnt  you have to couler light